Back Spasm Pain is an abnormal contraction or stiffening of the muscle. Back Spasm Pain mostly occurs in the lower back when a muscle is strained or, perhaps, inflamed. This can very painful because the nerves and the spinal cord are also affected in the back. There are many different causes of back spasm and it can increase as you age down. Some people may suffer from such condition in a short time whereas others may deal with chronic back spasms.
Causes of Back Spasm Pain
• Performing strenuous exercises can give you back spasms. You must only do exercises which are suited for your body. Pumping iron must be done in the right way because if not, it can cause strain on the muscles.
• Nutritional deficiency can be another cause of Back Spasm Pain. Dehydration can lead to deficiency. In addition, when you are calcium and potassium deficient, back spasm can occur due to low electrolyte levels in the body.
• Great forces can tear tendons as well as muscles. Sports like basketball, lawn tennis and football requires a lot of sudden back twisting, pushing and pulling. These forces can lead to muscle inflammation.
• One of the most common causes of Back Spasm Pain is a traumatic injury. Movements which are usually repeated such as in playing sports may cause overuse of the muscles and will result in inflammation of the muscles at the back.
• Excessive activity and wrong posture may cause slight or serious injury. When you lift any heavy object in an incorrect way, you may injure your back. Even just a little stretching can tear your muscle.
• Chronic strains may be caused by wrong sitting posture while you are working. If strains occur repeatedly, muscles may be irritated. What’s more, fatigued muscles are more at risk of tearing or strains when overused.
Treatments for Back Spasm Pain
• There are several over-the-counter medications which you can purchase and will certainly mitigate muscle inflammation. Furthermore, this will lessen some physical discomfort.
• If there is injury, the immediate treatment would be rest and compression.
• Ice therapy is also advised in the first few days and immediately followed by heat therapy for pain relief. This will not provide an immediate relief but doing it repeatedly would give certain changes.
• Home exercise is one of the best treatments in order to strengthen your back. On the other hand, this is not required when you are currently suffering from back spasm. You can do home exercises after you are cured.
There are things that you can do in order to avoid getting back spasm such as warming up before going to any kind of work outs, regular exercises for muscles stretching which can reduce the muscle strain or muscle tear and having the right posture in all activities. There are still more proper techniques that should be learned about back spasm prevention and back strengthening.
Generally, Back Spasm Pain is caused by muscle injury or overuse. Pain can be mitigated through home remedies. Home remedies are actually effective. On the other hand, there can be a lot more reasons having some back spasm. Therefore, it is necessary that you get a medical examination and get professional advice in order to determine the causes as well as to get the medication that is best for you.